My Dad often helped me with my challenges by reminding me of the power music has to help direct our thoughts. I couldn't help thinking of him as I readthis wonderful article
today. Here are some of my favorite quotes from that article:
"The First Presidency notes that music has been a special part of Latter-day Saint culture and worship services since the early beginnings of the Church. 'Three months after the Church was organized, the Lord, through the Prophet Joseph Smith, instructed Joseph's wife, Emma, to make a selection of sacred hymns for the Church: ‘For my soul delighteth in the song of the heart; yea, the song of the righteous is a prayer unto me, and it shall be answered with a blessing upon their heads’ (D&C 25:12).”
"President Packer counsels that music can be a great force for good or evil.
'You cannot afford to fill your minds with the unworthy music of our day,” he warns. “It is not harmless. It can welcome onto the stage of your mind unworthy thoughts and set a tempo to which they dance and to which you may act. You degrade yourself when you identify with those things that at times surround extremes in music. Such music is not worthy of you.
“Be selective in what you listen to and produce. It becomes part of you. It controls your thoughts and influences the lives of others as well,” he says, adding that, “There is so much wonderful, uplifting music available that we can experience to our advantage. [We] ought to be surrounded by good music of all"
“Choose a favorite hymn or song. … Seek the guidance of the Spirit in making your selection. Go over the song in your mind carefully. Memorize it. Even though you have had no musical training, you can think through a simple song. Now use this as the course for your thoughts to follow. Make it your emergency channel.”
Be musically inspired,
Janelle Joy
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