Lesson plan
Focus Songs: "Choose the Right" Hymn 239, maybe "A Child of God," "Nephi's Courage"
Review: Tonic Note (also called Do) , Do sign in solfege, Rhythm and Beat
Emphasis: Conducting 4/4, 3/4
Learning styles emphasized: movement, interpersonal, music, auditory, word smart
Supplies: Paper plates, heart shaped pillow and battery operated lantern (visual aids for Choose the Right) small set of word strips of the words to Choose the Right verse 2 (to prepare, type the words for verse two. Print out enough copies for each primary class to have at least one set and cut the words into strips. Put one set of word strips into each envelope), .
Junior Primary
Opening exercizes
"Nephi's Courage" (Children's Songbook, 120-121) both verses I do actions which encourage understanding of the story of Nephi.
Article of Faith #2 Help children remember the Do note is the last note in the song and prepare them to make the do hand sign when we get to the last note.
Birthday Song,
Hello Song (all of you who love to sing in a whisper voice get to be the echo today)
Sharing Time
Be prepared to lead the children in singing Nephi's Courage again while passing around a stick. Have the pianist stop playing at several random intervals. The child holding the "consequences stick" at the time the music stops is asked to share a way they can choose the right (see primary 2012 outline February week 3).
Singing Time:
1) Invite one reverent class to have each child come up front and take two paper plates from the pile at the front of the room. Instruct them that the plates can be used only if they choose to follow the directions. Explain that as the other children in the room sing "Choose the Right" verse 1, they can put a paper plate under each foot and slide around the room. Repeat this activity several times until all reverent children have a chance to slide.
optional: I can use the light and turn it on during the words "it's light is forever shining o'er you" and a heart pillow for the words "when in the right your heart confides" --or have two child helpers raise up the items at the right time.
2) if time allows I can review "As a Child of God" verses with children clapping rhythm and/or beat.
Senior Primary
Same as above except for during singing time step 1 after reviewing the first verse, use the word strip envelopes for verse 2 to pass out to each class. Have them gather in class groups on the floor to lay out their word strips and organize them as you sing the words to them. Walk around the room and continue singing verse 2 several times until the groups have organized their word strips in order. Sing once again as a group.
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